Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

In the world of signals

What does correct setting of a satellite dish or improvement of the signal depend on?

While following industry forums recently, we came across a discussion like this: A forum member was having trouble with his signal and asked what kind of meter he should buy or borrow to be able to set up his satellite dish correctly. One of the "experts" advised him quote "Why do you need a meter when you have a dish?". Despite the validity of this very pertinent comment, we decided to expand on the topic a bit. I also hope that the author of this comment meant a satellite dish, and not some other instrument or device.

7 practical ways to check the quality of coaxial cable

TT Kabel

The basis of any RTV/SAT installation is the antenna and coaxial cable connecting it with the receiver. Every additional element introduced to such an installation (connectors, active/passive elements) can only cause further degradation of the transmitted signal.

How to properly set up a DVB-T aerial?

asr na molo

There are many factors influencing proper reception of digital terrestrial television (DVB-T) signals by an aerial. And only uninterrupted reception will ensure the right level of transmission and picture quality of the TV.

MUX-8 — how to receive signals without interference?

MUX-8 — how to receive signals without interference?

MUX-8 is a terrestrial television multiplex, which was launched in 2018. It contained 7 standard definition SD programs (3 programs of Telewizja Polska and 4 programs of commercial broadcasters channels) or 6 programs, including one high definition HD channel (one SD and one HD Telewizja Polska channel and four SD channels from commercial broadcasters).

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